Thursday, September 5, 2013

Mon histoire / My story

Salut salut tout le monde ! J'ai decide de creer ce blog pour vous tenir au courant et/ou vous faire partager mon experience. Voici ma petite histoire.

Je suis une francaise nee d'une mere Americaine. Ayant de la famille aux Etats Unis, j'y ai passe de nombreux etes. Ayant en partie grandi la bas, je me suis toujours sentie attachee a ce pays. Et, en 5eme, une idee a commence a germer dans ma tete: et si j'allais y passer un an de ma vie, comme on voyait a la tele ou dans des magazines. Moi aussi j'en etais apable ! Et apres reflexion...non. Quitter Papa et Maman ?! Non mais ca va pas la tete ! Est ce que j'arriverai a partir aussi longtemps un jour ? Surement pas ! Puis les annees ont passees, j'ai grandi et mon envie de lever les voiles aussi. Plus j'y pensais, plus j'etais determinee. Premiere tentative en seconde: trop tard, les inscriptions etaient deja faites. Puis en premiere, ca y est, je m'y met a fond ! Et voila, maintenant j'y suis.


Hi guys ! I've decided (it's about time) to create a blog to make you share my experience. Here's my little story. 

I'm a little frenchie, born in Paris BUT I don't live there. Nope, all french people do not live in Paris haha ! I live in Vannes, a reaaally tinny tiny town on the North-East coast of France. Not so cool. But I live 5min away from the sea so that's kinda nice (no actually it's awesome). Anyway getting distracted ! One essential thing you want to know about me is that my mom is american, so I have family in the US. As far as i can remember, I've spent all my summers here. I've always felt like this country was "home". And as a little girl, I'd always ask my parents "Why wasn't I born in America Momy ? Why can't we live there ?". And that's when it all started. The desire to live in the US. I started to really consider it in 6th grade. But then i thought "Wait a minute... living one full year without mom and dad ? Naaaaaaaa no way ! What was i thinking ! It's impossible !". And the years have passed, I've grown and my desire to leave as well. The more I thought about it, the more determined I was. So I finally made up my mind and here I am ! Starting a new life in America, like a dream come true. 

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